Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Is enough really enough?

Monday, March 26, 2007

I want

To break up with him. But I feel bad. Nothing makes me feel like a
bigger bitch than making him cry.
Priorities out of whack much?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Here I am

Chilling in my room with no pants on and crumbs on my sweater. No pants
cause they're wet and crumbs came from cereal I ate laying down.
Sanitary, I know!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I'm fake studying for another test right now. Listening to my nearly
dead ipod wishing I were at home in bed instead of in the library for
the 4th consecutive hour starving half to death with $2 in my pocker and
my service going all wonky. Eh.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm going to bed without studying nd I've got my first test tomorrow and
another one the day after. Honestly, I'd rather just be dead. Not the
morbid oh woe is me I've got to die kind of dead. Just plain and simple
peace and quiet. Idk I'm tired after a hard days nothing to off to bed I
go. Ill cram in the morning. I miss vev. Sorry babe, I could've taken
better care of you. Love you.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I disected an eyeball today. Eyes have two types of fluid in them, both
of which totally drained out when I cut it. Joy. Anyway, it felt weird
to have mo septum ring in for a week, and I hate the way people stare
it like they've got nothing better to do. Fucking losers. I put it back
in yesterday and have to get reused to seeing it in, and people staring
at me. Idiot, I really do not like people. I wonder what you have to do
to get a licence to carry a concealed gun, not that I'd ever need to
it. Oh shit, imagine if people could carry crossbows, lmfao. Can't
really hide something like that. Hmmm, I need to file taxes soon. I
money and a job that I don't dread going to. Oh! And a haircut. I'm
afraad to cut it short, in case it doesn't grow back!


I feel

Sick to my stomach and I've got these bumps all over my back and arms it
itches. Peters mom says is pimples which doesn't make sense and mom says
its a rash. If I had insuranced itd have it looked at because I've got
two or three patches of weird discolored skin on my back.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I jsut ate leftover food from someonre I don't know. Ew.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Got zero motivation.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I've got the same prof. For anatomy 2 again. I already feel as though
I'm going to fail. I don't know what it is about this class/subject that
makes me tune out and get bored and tired. I only have it on mondays
(for four hours though) and the teacher already knows that I don't know
what the hell is going on because I emailed her 20 times trying get
get1.2 points for a c-. I'm such an idiot, why can't I just study. I
can't fail ANY class (lower than c-) this term or I'm out of the
program. I overslept and was 15mins late for rats class, blah. I find
out thrs what times I have to take care of the rats/mice in the a.m. I
think I should be in therapy, or on medication. Too bad I don't have