Gah! Imma go on and ooooon about Paul if I start, so i'm not going to...yet! awwwwwwwww!

Ok, imma stop with all the lovey dovey
now. I think I'm starting to pick myself up from those other messages I made. Didn't mean to sound so morbid, I've got issues right now.Major issues. I really don't want to go back to skool<--yeah I know I spelled it like that! I want to hide out in the closet all year. I remember that some kids were bothering me so I cried in a bathroom stall for an hour and tore up toilett paper until it looked like new years happened. I was so mortified, I wanted to curl up and be invisible. I'm not going to say what they were bothering me about because it is SOOO embarasing! I never thought I'd EVER be picked on, by ANYONE. Okay, that was an excesive use of caps lock but I needed to punctuate some words. Oh! Chanda still isn't back yet. Should I be worried? She tends to dissapper like this, she's the bad daughter with the mean streak and no sense of desentcy OR style. Yeah, That creature named Chanda is my older sister...lucky me, huh?